
20 Items or less top flight security

Racism Score: 5.7

If you are like us, you may have flouted the express checkout item limit a few times in your life. No harm, no foul, unless you are in Spencer, Iowa. This past July, a topflight self-proclaimed express checkout security guard was in full force at a Spencer, Walmart.

LaTasha Jackson was in line at the Walmart when an unidentified woman on a scooter (vroom vroom) counted Jackson’s items to ensure she was within the limit.

Jackson was with her children and a best friend shopping minding her own business when the unidentified woman on the scooter counted their items.

The woman on the scooter used her unofficial and irrational express checkout security guard skills to point out Jackson and her friend had roughly 20 items.

The woman angrily asked Jackson “Can’t you fucking read?” To which Jackson advised she could read just fine.

The woman followed up “Well, if you could read, then you can see it says ’10 items or less.”

Jackson replied she was aware of the number of items and explained since there were two adults, they had the right number of items between them. After that, the woman on the scooter wanted to see her papers as if this was Nazi, Germany.

The following exchange was reported by the Spencer Signal.

Turns out, the woman on the scooter was a city employee. The City of Spencer investigated the incident and fired the woman for her actions.

Unfortunate that Miss Jackson had to go through that…I’m sorry Miss Jackson, oooh I am for real!

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