
United Negro College Fund…elects its first Negro as chair of the Board of Directors

Racism Score: 1.9

The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) finally has a Black person at the helm. You might be wondering, how in the 77-year-old history of the United NEGRO college fund; it just now, for the first time ever, in the history of its existence, has a Black person as the executive board leader.

Comedian KevOnStage nailed it.

Milton H. Jones Jr., an Atlanta business leader was named chairman of the board and he replacing the retired William F. Stasior.

Jones is a co-founding member of Peachtree Providence Partners Holding Company. He will be tasked with growing the endowment the helps HBCU’s in the UNCF network of member institutions.

William F. Stasior and Hilton H. Jones Jr.

A key purpose of UNCF is to provide financial support for Black students attending Black colleges. We are shocked by this revelation to say the least.

Somebody please, make this make sense!

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