
Arizona Coyotes gambled and they failed

Racism Score: 5.2

This is a simple, open-and-shut case. The Arizona Coyotes renounced the rights their recent draft pick, Mitchell Miller.

Mitchell Miller. Photo Credit: University of North Dakota

Why might you ask? In 2016, Miller plead guilty in juvenile court to bullying a Black student with disabilities. The victim’s name is Isaiah Meyer-Crothers.

Like Fight Club, we will repeat his name.

His name is Isaiah Meyer-Crothers…

His name is Isaiah Meyer-Crothers…

His name is Isaiah Meyer-Crothers…

His name is Isaiah Meyer-Crothers, and he is a brave soul, a victim, and our hearts go out to him.

The despicable tactics by Miller included racial slurs such as the vile n-word and other egregious actions such as physical assault.

One unconscionable act Miller engaged in with an accomplice was tricking Meyer-Crothers into eating candy that marinated in a urinal.

The Coyotes were aware of Miller’s atrocities prior to drafting him yet decided Miller’s letter to teams explaining his actions absolved him from is evil accomplishments.

The following excerpt is from Miller’s letter to NHL teams, courtesy of CNN.

“I am extremely sorry about the bullying incident that occurred in 2016 while I was in eighth grade. I was young, immature and feel terrible about my actions. At the time, I did not understand the gravity of my actions and how they can affect other people. I have issued an apology to the family for my behavior, completed cultural diversity and sensitivity training and volunteered within my community with organizations such as Little Miracles. Over the past four years, I have had a lot of time to reflect and grow and I am very grateful to the Arizona Coyotes for taking a chance on me. I promise not to let them down. Moving forward, I want to be a leader for this cause and help end bullying and racism.”

Meyer-Crothers’ mother advised the only apology they received from Miller, was from a letter mandated letter by the juvenile courts, which is not enough. The adults around Miller should have known that.

The perplexing part is that Miller was also accepted by the University of North Dakota’s (UND) hockey program prior to being drafted. UND also cut ties with Miller.

The Coyotes and UND were aware of Miller’s transgressions but took a chance on him in away. Typically, we forgive juvenile actions as we do not believe in cancel culture. These transgressions however, do not align with our understanding level of adolecnet ignorance.

We surmise the high-risk, high-reward chance on Miller was hopes and prayers the public never found out about his past.

The public found out, and it should have never been Miller Time.

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