
Atlanta Braves hold strong while name under inspection

Racism Score: 0.2

Add the Atlanta Braves to the handful of professional sports teams under name inspection. The Braves name on the surface does not seem racist in the slightest. If you dig a little bit deeper, the name still does not seem racist. The name is endearing in nature and shows a common respect for the Native American community.

The Atlanta Braves will not be changing their name. This was confirmed by a letter sent to the Braves season ticket holders that read in part:

Through our conversations, changing the name of the Braves is not under consideration or deemed necessary. WE have great respect and reverence for our name and the Native American communities that have held meaningful relationships with us do as well. We will always be the Atlanta Braves.

Now the chop chant on the other hand…sadly, that may need to go.

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