Bernie Sanders puffy coat and mittens…white privilege?
Racism Score: 0.0
Racial progress can seem stagnant at times even though there has been exponential progress. Do you know why? Look no further than this asinine take from Ingrid Seyer-Ochi regarding Bernie Sanders inauguration attire.
“This is white supremacy, this is white privilege. It can be hard to pinpoint, but when we see it, we know it.” – Ingrid Seyer-Ochi
Unfortunately for the Bay Area and America for that matter, Seyer-Ochi is teaching the youth to look for ridiculous ways to point out white privilege and/or white supremacy.
Not clear and obvious examples, rather specious visual circumstances that are so absurd, no one with a logical brain can jump to a racist conclusion.
Instead of enjoying the Bernie Sanders meme that has taken social media by storm, Seyer-Ochi took the ‘woe is me/white guilt’ rout.
Whether you are pro-Bernie, anti-Bernie, indifferent-towards-Bernie, one cannot deny the humor in the memes. Unless you are Seyer-Ochi.
We are talking about a puffy coat and mittens…mittens. The notion that an old white man sitting in freezing or near freezing temperatures in a puffy coat and mittens exhibits white privilege is truly unbelievable.
Only in America a middle-aged white woman can come to this conclusion. Where is Bill Burr when you need him!