Black memes apparently are for Black people only according to Racism Hunters

Racism Score: 0.2

In the fight for racial equality, society has tremendously lowered the bar when it comes to tangible and intangible acts of racism. Racism Hunters spend their days fulfilled in racial distress.

Racism Hunter’s lives appear to be predicated upon – searching for perceived racist actions, digging for harmless racial anecdotes that create unnecessary racial turmoil, along with magnifying and amplifying self-induced racial misgivings to the public.

A significant part of everyday life for most people are memes and GIFs. Quite frankly, memes and GIFs are amazing! The ability to respond via picture or picture with motion elevates a conversation.

Ordinary-logical-thinking people review memes, select the right meme for their conversation, then they send the meme to their counterpart(s) without overanalyzing the meme. That is unless, you are a Racism Hunter.

The correct term to “honor” the racially charged meme offense is ‘digital blackface’. If you are unaware or live under a rock, blackface is super racist, unless you are Joy Behar. However, ‘Digital blackface’ in this specific instance is what we referred to as lowering the bar by Racism Hunters.

The inglorious definition can be described best by Rubin Thomlinson, a Canadian law firm.

Excerpt from Rubin Thomlinson article

Another freedom fighter describes digital blackface as follows.

Excerpt from Medium author’s article

One more for your viewing pleasure and icing on the cake.

Excerpt from Woman’s Health Magazine article

Slow clap…

Everyone is entitled to their own feelings; all Black do not believe this type of action equates to a racist act. Most Black people are unconcerned about people who are not Black sending memes or GIFs with Black people for conversational expression.  Some Black people facetiously feel their Black card may be revoked if they disagree, like this person.

It is OK if you are Black and you do not feel this is racist. Also, you do not have to be Black to send a Stanley from The Office meme! There are bigger issues to worry about and time should not be consumed by the antics of Racism Hunters.

Newsflash – non-Black people may stop sending Black memes to Black people to avoid being labeled a racist…they sure as hell are not going to stop sending them to each other if the meme fits.

To answer the question which neither article addressed, which some readers are inevitably thinking. Is it OK for Black people to use non-Black people in memes? If so, WHY?

We do not have the answer for that.

Do you think using memes in this capacity is racist?

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