Do Black people hate critical race theory? Unsurprisingly, some do hate it

The world is a better place when people can disagree and have productive conversations about the disagreement. Presently, having different opinions can lead to name calling, shaming, predictable labels, and worse, being portrayed as hating your own race.

Today, Critical Race Theory (CRT) is sweeping the nation and there are two sides. AllSides has summed it up perfectly by categorizing those who strongly agree (Stance 1 & 2), and those who vehemently oppose (Stance 3 & 4).

Credit. AllSides

Republicans, conservatives, moderates, and devouts (typically stance 3 & 4) believe CRT is an attack on America because it teaches America was founded on racism and white supremacy. In addition, they disagree that all white people should be viewed as racists and oppressors which CRT allegedly teaches. They also disagree that people of color should be automatically viewed as oppressed.

Democrats, liberals, progressives, white saviors and mainstream media (typically stance 1 &2) believes CRT is necessary to end racism. Also, they usually believe all white people are racist and all people of color are oppressed. They also portray people who disagree as ONLY white Republicans and Conservatives while insinuating ALL Black people support CRT.

What do Black people against CRT have to say? Are Black people who disagree trying to “whitewash” history? Should they be labeled as coons, Uncle Tom’s and bootlickers? Or should they be allowed to have their own opinion?

Some Black people have expressed they disagree with CRT because they do not like the idea of being labeled oppressed, but don’t take our word for it.

Here are 25 plus videos of Black and Asian people who disagree with CRT.

1. Black father makes heartwarming video with daughter opposing CRT

2. Black mother passionately disagrees with CRT

3. Black Florida mom expresses disdain for ‘racist’ CRT


3. Black man against CRT while confidently explaining why white people cannot hold him back and admonishes people who believe Black people are oppressed

4. Interracial couple shares concern about CRT re-segregating America

5. Black U.S. Representative Burgess Owens believes CRT is an attempt by Democrats to keep Black people mentally oppressed

6. Black men discuss the potential harms of CRT, and how it differs from other forms of diversity and inclusion training.

7. Black woman explains how she turned against CRT

8. Asian mom (we know she is not Black) blasts CRT as she compares it to communist China which she escaped from

9. Black teacher in Australia shares concern that CRT is presented as fact even though it should be a contested political idea

10. Black woman shares how CRT forces children to view each other by the color of their skin

11. Black woman explaines how she thinks CRT is nonsense and disagrees that all white people should be viewed as racist when you first see them

12. Black woman fed up with CRT because of it’s hypocritical nature and that it is only a theory not based on fact

13. Black preacher believes trust in the lord and that CRT labels everything as racist


14. Civil rights era activist says CRT is ‘planting the seeds’ for Black self-doubt

15. Ben Carsson warns CRT will cause ‘irreparable damage’

16. Black father and daughter discuss the harm and errors of CRT

17. Black woman watches review of CRT advocate Marc Lamont and condemns Hill’s race-baiting actions


18. Black man explains why he thinks CRT is nonsense

19. Black man reviews viral video and agrees white kids are not oppressors and Black kids are not oppressed which is opposite of CRT teachings

20. Black women debate about the dangers of CRT

21. Black Mother RIPS All-White School Board For Teaching Critical Race Theory

22. Black man says ‘say no’ to CRT

23. Two Black men debate CRT, one agrees, the other disagrees – the proponent of CRT will not answer if white privilege should be taught to children

24. Black man makes compelling case against CRT

25. Black man says more people need to push back against public schools to remove CRT

26. Asian man explains how Asians prove critical race theory is not true from his perspective

27. Black West Point grad questions military academy’s endorsement of CRT

28. Black mother condemns CRT at school board meeting

29. Black whistleblower addresses concerns regarding Hasbro’s CRT training

Do they have a point? Decide for YOURSELF.

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