
Cardi B slams Candace Owens for marrying white man

Racism Score: 4.5

Cardi B and Candace Owens had a popcorn-worthy debate in September. An interesting feud which included interracial relationships due to Cardi B’s insult to Owens. We are going to assume most people are familiar with Grammy award-winning artist, Cardi B (mega star).

Cardi B Photo by Chris Allmeid

Candace Owens is a prominent Republican and conservative, leader of the Blexit movement, and author of best seller Blackout. There does not seem to be a middle ground with Owens, people seem to love her or despise her. People who love her appreciate her candor and direct political points of views, and views on what Black people need to do to succeed.

People who despise her, believe she is bad for Black people (a “sellout”), not down for the cause, and a (insert Black on Black racial slur). Please note, racial slurs are unacceptable in case you do not receive the memo.

Anyhow, the focus of this story is Cardi B going after Owens’s husband who happens to be white.

Some Black people do that, not all…but some do, such as Cardi B. Cardi B claims Owens “sold out” the Black community by marrying a white person. Is that not a racist statement? Does that not go against inclusion and acceptance?

The notion Black people should not marry white people is illogical and absurd. If that was the case, what was the point of Loving v. Virginia? Why fight for civil rights? Barack Obama’s mom was white. Kamala Harris’ husband is white. Serena William’s husband is white. Super bowl MVP and League MVP, Patrick Mahomes, mom is white…and his fiancé.

The ignorance Cardi B displayed regarding interracial relationships was reprehensible, but corporate America and the Hollywood elite are OK with it.

What makes this even more fascinating is that in 2019, Cardi B had to set the record straight about her own race while advising “Latinos are not a monolith.” Cardi B, neither are Black people.

Due to Cardi B’s interracial relationship ignorance, we decided highlight interracial relationships (white/black), or children who are the products of interracial relationships below.


Serious question for Cardi B – Are any of the these people sellouts?

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