
CEO yells and Asian family

Racism Score: 5.9

Michael Lofthouse, former CEO of SOlid8, arrogantly was harassing an Asian American family while they were trying to enjoy their dinner. A birthday celebration, nonetheless. The CEO had quite the gift for them. The following bombardment are the disgusting words he spewed at the family.

  • “Trump’s going to fuck you”
  • “You fuckers need to leave, fucking Asian piece of shit”
  • “Who are these fuckers” after he was asked to leave

Days after his outburst, he stepped down as CEO from his company Solid8. He went on to apologize and blah blah blah. What we find dumbfounding is his statement advising that he hopes “the conversations and awareness that this incident has created can act as a catalyst for necessary change.”

Act as a catalyst for necessary change?! How about do not be a hateful, despicable racist! You can learn that in pre-school. Lord, some people’s children.

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