
Civvies has a Whites Only fee in 2020

Racism Score: 4.9

Doing the most – 1. When a person does way more than is required from the situation. 2. Trying way too hard to be impressive but only causing self-embarrassment. Those are just a couple definitions from Urban Dictionary for doing the most.”

We are here to inform you that Civvies vintage clothing store in Savanna, GA was doing the most.

Civvies thought they were showing their anti-racismness (is that a word?) by waiving a $20 fee for non-white shoppers only. Yup, Civvies decided that was a good idea and posted their attempted good deed to Facebook which read…

“As a mostly white staff with white ownership, we do not feel comfortable upholding a digital and financial barrier which could prevent BIPOC from shopping at our store at this time on top of the limitations already made by online booking”

“If you are white and refuse to put down a deposit because you believe our policy is unethical you will not be accepted for an appointment,”

Gag. The posts have since been deleted. When doing the most goes wrong, think of Civvies. This is blatantly racist towards people of color and white people. Are people of color too poor to pay the $20 fee? Racist assumption. The fee is for white’s only. We need to travel back time to see signs of white only.  

Here Civvies, we made you a sign.

Getcha some black friends, Civvies!

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