
CrossFit CEO Resigns

Disclaimer – We do not share the opinions of those who believe George Floyd was responsible for his own death. In this rating we are singularly focused on the specific twitter comment. We acknowledge and feel it is important to share we understand people have different opinions about the tragedy that may be tough to digest. People are entitled to their own beliefs and disagreeing with popular opinion does not automatically make a person a racist.

Racism Score: 2.9

“1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and get them sit ups right, and Tuck your tummy tight and do your crunches like this…” Kanye West’s song The New Workout Plan is a classic. Well, maybe not a classic but it is a catchy song. The song came to our minds because of former CrossFit CEO, Greg Glassman.

Greg Glassman resigned from CrossFit in June because of his Twitter fingers.

What you just read is Glassman tweeting that the public health issue is “FLOYD-19.” If you do not understand or if you live under a rock, Glassman is using a play on words with COVID-19.

The death of George Floyd was a tragedy. Any type of levity regarding his death, in any capacity, is completely unacceptable unless you are in your own home, behind closed doors, outside of the public view where your abhorrent insensitivity can flow freely. Unfortunately for Glassman, he could not resist.

The backlash came quick, fast, and in a hurry. Over 1000 gyms pledged to stop using the CrossFit name, and Reebok threatened to stop doing business with the company. Glassman stepped down to mitigate the fallout and issued the following apology.

“I, CrossFit HQ, and the CrossFit community will not stand for racism. I made a mistake by the words I chose yesterday. My heart is deeply saddened by the pain it has caused. It was a mistake, not racist but a mistake. Floyd is a hero in the black community and not just a victim. I should have been sensitive to that and wasn’t. I apologize for that.”

Naturally, Glassman claims he is not racist. We have no way of determining one way or another if Glassman is racist so we will have to take him at his word. If we are being honest with ourselves, some Black people have said worse about George Floyd, are they racist?

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