
Dave LaMont overheard saying “Black people venting”

Racism Score: 1.7

If you work in the corporate world, you probably participated in a meeting or town hall to discuss race relations after George Floyd’s death. During this time, the best thing to do is to open your mind and listen to the stories being shared. Dave LaMont grew tired of the conversation as he was overheard saying the meeting was a “venting session” for Black people.

LaMont was talking to his wife and forgot to mute his phone. Attendees were aghast by his comments and Lamont informed his superiors and apologized for the insensitive comments. LaMont is not a racist, he is insensitive, but not a racist. He heard enough in the moment and expressed his feelings, albeit not as privately as he intended.

It would have been great if he expanded on why he felt Black people were “venting” instead of issuing a standard apology. Of course, we know that is not possible because cancel culture would not allow that. Cancel culture is not one for candid uncomfortable conversations. Why did he feel that way in the moment? We will never know.

Tedarrell (T.J.) Slaton

LaMont has a self-described racially integrated home. Florida Gators senior defensive lineman, Tedarrell Slaton lived with the LaMont’s in high school even though Slaton was never formally adopted. Slaton honored the LaMont’s by tattooing “Family shows no color” on his arm. LaMont should not lose his job and by all accounts LaMont is still employed by ESPN in his 16th year.

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