
Drew Brees makes teammate cry

Racism Score: 2.6

All opinions are not created equally. Drew Brees learned the hard way when he expressed his opinion about standing during the National Anthem. Brees admirably highlighted his reasons for standing. However, Brees failed to acknowledge the reasons why people are kneeling (variety of social injustice issues).

Malcom Jenkins

Brees took it a step further by saying he “will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.” Yikes. Brees could not sound anymore tone deaf given the fact that one of his teammates, Malcom Jenkins is a leader of the NFL Player’s Coalition (which does incredible work). Add in the racial makeup of the NFL along with the current environment and Brees has the perfect storm.

Malcom Jenkins was overcome with emotion when he heard about Brees’s comments. Jenkins was brought to tears as he was utterly crushed by Brees’ opinion. No matter how unpopular Brees’ opinion is, Brees has every right to share it.

Does Brees’ opinion make him a racist? Absolutely not. Pretty ignorant of Brees though to be unaware of the purpose of kneeling, especially when Jenkins is on his team! Pick. Up. The. Phone. A forced apology by Brees afterwards is embarrassing, we understand though. Brees knew exactly what he was saying then and now he knows exactly what not to say to avoid the cancel circus.

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