
Fred Gerteiny fired from 12 News Connecticut

Racism Score: 4.0

In a recent article we explained some Black people revert to calling other Black people “Uncle Tom” when they feel certain Black people are not acting “Black enough.”

The discourtesy was extended to Republican Senator, Tim Scott by 12 News Connecticut sports reporter, Fred Gerteiny who feels Scott is not Black enough because of Scott’s alignment with President Trump.

More so, Gerteiny was incensed with Scott’s opinion that trump “misspoke” about his Proud Boys remark during the presidential debate, Gerteiny tweeted the following:

Photo Credit: The Hill Twitter

The tweet has since been deleted and Gerteiny was fired by News 12 Connecticut. A reminder for everyone. Calling Black people “Uncle Tom”, “coon”, or “house nigga” is racist no matter if you are white or Black.

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