
GOYA CEO supports Trump

Racism Score: 0.2

Disclaimer: We will provide an in-depth Trump/Biden RatingRacism analysis at another time.

First and foremost, people are not boycotting Goya’s Adobo seasoning and you know it. Goya’s primary consumers are Hispanic, and Goya’s arguably the most recognized brand for Hispanics.

The notion that people should boycott Goya because the CEO supports Donald Trump is irrational. Regardless of your political affiliation, what would a full-scale boycott accomplish?

If the boycott was successful and Goya had to shut their doors, what happens to the Goya employees? Goya employs 4,000 people; would you feel good about the anti-Trump employees losing their job? Do Trump supporters deserve to lose their job?

Do you discount the millions of pounds of food Goya has donated over the past years to less fortunate families with their “Can do” campaign? Rational & logical people would say, no.

Take a deep breath, voice your displeasure and go about your day, good grief. Speech suppression is not a slippery slope, it is a mockery of rights.

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