
Hobby Lobby cotton plant overreaction

Racism Score: 0.3

The epitome of overreacting and unnecessarily calling something racist can be summed up by this story. In 2017, a woman who lives in Killen, TX decided to take her gripes to Twitter over Hobby Lobby décor. The décor in question was none other than raw cotton stems in a glass vase.

The image of raw cotton can trigger emotions, however, context matters. Demanding Hobby Lobby to remove the plant is utter nonsense. The woman expressed “There is nothing decorative about raw cotton…a commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves.”

On the contrary, a cotton plant can be decorative. A quick search of Pinterest generates a plethora of elegant cotton décor designs that would enhance a room.

Pinterest: Karen Winters

Tying the décor into the past atrocities of slavery is attention seeking at its finest. If you do not like it, do not buy it and go about your day! No need to manufacture a problem. Now, after Hobby Lobby or any other retailer sells the plant, what the buyer does is out of Hobby Lobby’s control which the president of Lipscomb University learned the hard way.

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