
Black community supports Joy Behar’s use of blackface…per Joy Behar

Racism Score: 4.0

Never forget. Never forget Joy Behar dressed in blackface. At least that is what congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik wants people to remember as she wanted all the smoke in her interview on The View.

A confrontational interview between The View hosts and Klacik went sideways when Klacik called out Behar’s use of blackface. At the age of 29, Behar decided to dress as a “beautiful African woman” for Halloween.

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Whether you are a democrat, republican, independent, liberal, conservative, leftist, rightist, etc., blackface is not ok.

Furthermore, makeup used to darken one’s skin color to appear more ethnic is unacceptable appropriation.

Bahar believes she received a pass from the Black community…
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We are unaware of when the universal “We support Joy Behar’s use of blackface” Black vote was taken for Behar to confidently confirm the Black community supported her blackface decision.

It is rather presumptuous for Behar to make such a claim and it is disrespectful. The arrogant claim also insinuates Black people are a monolith which is typical for people like Behar.

Megyn Kelly was fired from NBC for defending blackface. Kelly apologized, however, it was too little too late.

Plenty of people have been reprimanded or terminated due to previous use of blackface, even if the error in judgement was decades ago.

Behar’s churlishness and self-righteousness somehow has preserved her seat at The View table. We are interested in hearing from Black people who supported and/or condoned Behar’s use of blackface.

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