
Kelly Loeffler is NOT Donald Sterling

Disclaimer – We conducted an extensive review of why some people support the statement Black Lives Matter, yet disavow Black Lives Matter Inc. (blacklivesmatter.com).

Racism Score: 1.8

The social justice & political organization known as the WNBA wants an owner to sell their stake in the team because the owner does not agree with Black Lives Matter Inc (BLM)…the organization.

Specifically, WNBA players demanded the co-owner of the Atlanta Dream, Kelly Loeffler to sell her stake in the team.

Kelly Loeffler was outspoken in the summer about BLM Inc. Loeffler asked the league to reframe from putting social justice messages on their warmups and expressed fear BLM support may alienate fans

Some news sites have equated Loeffler’s opposition to BLM Inc. to the WNBA’s Donald Sterling moment.

Comparing this moment to Donald Sterling is embarrassing to say the least. Sterling’s actions where reprehensible. Loeffler’s opinions are insensitive at best.

The WNBA claims they are an inclusive league; however, it appears the WNBA is only inclusive when people agree with their political beliefs.

The idea that Kelly Loeffler should sell her stake in the team is absurd and is the antithesis of what makes America great (no pun intended).

People can have different opinions and as adults, we should be able to discuss the differences in a productive manner.

Loeffler has been portrayed as if she grabbed the mic at a game and shouted racial epithets at all the Black players over the PA system.

If one were to condemn Loeffler, perhaps admonish her for the claim she dumped stock due to insider trading.

FYI, so did Martha Stewart and people seem to love her now, although Stewart was convicted and paid her debt to society.

The Senate Ethics Committee dropped its investigation into Loeffler and the committee did not find evidence her stock trades violated Senate rule, standards of conduct, or federal law.

WNBA Players Statement

“Black lives matter. We are the women of the Atlanta Dream. We are women who support a movement. We are strong and we are fearless. We offer a voice to the voiceless. Our team is united in the Movement for Black Lives. It’s not extreme to demand change after centuries of inequality. This is not a political statement. This is a statement of humanity.”

The fight for equality is noble and some of their actions should be commended. The notion that “This is not a political statement” is disingenuous to say the least.

As you can see, WNBA players decided to wear shirts of Loeffler’s senate opponent which defies logic of “this is not a political statement.”

Loeffler may be direct with her opinions, and in a league that is 60% to 70% Black, her differing opinions are insensitive.

Her opinions do not however, make her a racist.

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