Lipscomb President apologies for cotton center pieces
Racism Score: 3.0
Raw cotton stalks strike again. Previously we discussed how raw cotton stalks can act as elegant décor if presented in good taste.
The outrage of Hobby Lobby selling raw cotton stalks was unnecessary and absurd. However, we also explained what the buyer does with the raw cotton stalks after the purchase is out of Hobby Lobby’s control.
Lipscomb president, Randy Lowry learned the importance of knowing your audience and reading the room. President Lowry invited Black students to his home for dinner to discuss the student’s experience at Lipscomb.
The centerpieces were raw cotton stalks. Naturally, in the times we are living in, racially insensitive décor is a no-no.
Feelings are too fragile to take a chance on fall cotton décor even if there is no racist intent. All Black people may not be offended, most Black people probably would not be offended.
However, some Black people will be offended. The offended Black people in turn, will need to tell the world of the offense as well.
The president ended up apologizing for the décor while taking ownership of the mishap. We imagine he had nothing to do with the centerpiece selection and placement, but you must appreciate the leadership in owning the “cotton catastrophe”.
Ask yourself the following questions when hosting Black people with cotton décor present.
- Have I known them for a long time?
- Do they know for certain I am not racist?
- Should I warn them cotton is present as a courtesy?
- Do I feel like being publicly shamed?
Ridiculous right? Wrong! Well, it is unfortunate. Right, wrong, fair, unfair, or indifferent, that is the reality.
It is 2020, leave nothing to chance and select fall décor at your own risk. Remember, cotton décor in good taste…not racist. What do you think?