
Marjorie Taylor Green is a problem

Racism Score. 4.2

We bring Marjorie Taylor Green under the microscope. Marjorie Taylor Green has been labeled a racist. A quick search of the internet confirms a few things.

One, Green has uttered racist tropes on multiple occasions drawing the ire and rebuke from some prominent republicans. Two, Green is a big fan of the QAnon conspiracy phenomenon. Three, Green is not going anywhere.

Should Green be canceled? Cancel culture would scream an emphatic, YES! Cancelling someone such as Green limits an honest conversation that should be addressed with some of her comments.

We are not going to dissect each of the actions Green has taken to date. Rather, we will share some noteworthy feelings Green has expressed recently:

  • Green’s thoughts on Black and Hispanic generations – “They are being held down by being in gangs and dealing drugs, not by anything white people have done.”
  • NPR reports Green expressed that “both white supremacists and members o the Black Lives Matter movements are idiots”
  • On Democrats seeking the Black vote – “They are trying to keep the Black people in a modern-day form of slavery.”
  • The disenfranchisement of white males – “The most mistreated group of people in America today are white males.
  • On Muslims, simply she simply believes the following – “There has been an Islamic invasion in our government”

Green is not shy to say the least. In Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, 57% of voters do not mind Green, witnessed by her victory. The 14th district is a heavy Republican lean, so it is not a surprise Green won. Green is on her way to potentially winning a congress seat. Buckle up, she is going to be a problem!

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