
The war on the word ‘Master’

Racism Score: 0.3

We have officially lost our collective minds. Master Bedroom and Master Bathroom are on the chopping block. We understand the formal definition of master has an element of a person who owned a slave. However, can we please use our heads here? Using master to describe a room in a home is NOT racist.

Reclassifying common words such as master as a slur goes entirely too far. We can repurpose the word for its, you know…intended purpose, instead of investing time trying to create fruitless change. Standing on a soapbox to address how the word master can be damaging to the psyche of Black people is offensive.

We would like to celebrate the following individuals who have used the term masterfully (pun intended).

Master P – Make ’em say “ungh!’’, (Ungh!) N nah n nah (N nah nah)! Are we suppose to forget about this legend? Do not think so!

Master Teague – We are not Ohio State Buckeye fans but what a name!

MasterChef – Gordon Ramsay is an equal opportunity chef oppressor and we are here for it.

Master Splinter – Leader of the Ninja Turtles!

Masters of the Universe – Up every Saturday morning with bowl of cereal to watch this domination!

Smeagol/Gollum – Lord of the Rings may have a problem as this definitely was a master/sl…student relationship.

The Master’s Tournament – Remember Tiger Woods epic win in 2019! The name of this tournament better not change!

Jedi Master – Well this is quite the conundrum because the opposite of Jedi Master’s literally is the dark side of the force…the word dark may not make it to 2025. Who is your favorite Jedi Master?

We will stop with the facetiousness when the war on master stops. Salute to the word master when used correctly!

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