
NBA Owners are called Governors…not Owners

Racism Score: 0

In life there are certain accomplishments we take great pride in. Owning a home, owning a restaurant, owning a vehicle, and if you are financially well versed, owning stock. Either way, owning something you worked very hard to achieve or in some cases inherit is an honor. Well, unless you are an owner of a team in the NBA.

For reasons only the NBA can understand, they have decided to stop calling owners of the team, owners. That is right, the owners of the team, the individuals who OWN the team are now referred to as governors. This is a classic case of overthinking and woke culture run amok.

Photo credit: Clutchpoints

A few players were offended by the term because somehow the players equated the term owner as a reference to present day slave masters. The unnecessary modification was due to racistivity concerns the term “owner” can be perceived as racially insensitive in a predominately Black league.

Everyone’s rational and logical brain undoubtedly should understand that NBA owners do not actually own the players. The players can leave the team at any time if they choose. If the players choose to leave, they will forgo millions which is a pretty decent salary.

One would hope people recognize how ridiculous well-constructed manufactured problems are becoming. This is where people get lost over the term racist. There is no problem with calling the owner of a team, an owner, period.

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