
STOP IT with the anti-Semitism!

Racism Score: 4.9

Attention everyone. Attention please. STOP with the anti-Semitism! Stop with the conspiracy theories, stop going on podcasts, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media outlet to share knowledge about the “original” Hebrew’s.

Stop pitting Black people against Jewish people. One would be hard pressed to find a more unproductive way to enhance racial equality than by stepping on the back of another group that has been oppressed.

If you do decide to walk down the anti-Semitic path, be prepared for the backlash. Do not say your words were taken out of context. Be prepared to listen. Be prepared to learn, be prepared to understand why your words are extraordinary hurtful. In case some of you missed it…STOP, IT’S HURTFUL & WRONG!

Nick Cannon (Top), DeSean Jackson and Stephen Jackson each apologized for their anti-Semitic comments earlier this year

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