
Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Nate Gerry tweeted n-word as a teenager

Racism Score: 2.3

The internet keeps receipts and receipts can be damaging. At what point though do we need to recognize adolescent ignorance when attempts are made to damage someone’s reputation?

Nate Gerry, 25-year-old linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles is under fire for tweets he made as a teenager from 2011-2012.

Some people are calling for “the same energy” DeSean Jackson received for his anti-Semitic comments. There is a huge difference between a teenager from Sioux Falls, South Dakota which lacks diversity, tweeting the n-word-with-an-‘A’ as if he had the “hood” pass probably thinking it was cool, versus a grown man positioning Hitler in a positive light.

Photo Credit: Nate Gerry Instagram

The teenage lapse in judgement is not on the same level as former Eagles receiver Riley Copper.

When you read Nate Gerry’s teenage tweets, do you feel that Nate Gerry’s tween equates to the level of racist intention? Logically, we would say no.

Everyone has their own racistivity level, but this type of faux outrage desensitizes real racist transgressions that warrant attention.

Gerry apologized for his ignorant teenage tweets.

To be clear, we do not condone Gerry’s tweets. We also do not feel the situation should be belabored. Young white kids are too loosey goosey with the n-word-with-an-A because of the music they listen to all day. No excuse but the lapse of judgment is understandable, albeit unacceptable.

Again, to be clear, we are not saying Gerry’s use of the word is OK.

Without question, this is a learning opportunity for non-Black youth and a prime education example of understanding the n-word in any capacity is solely reserved for Black people, period.

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