
Sage Steele discriminated against by peers

Racism Score: 3.0

Clay Travis at OutKick refers to ESPN as MSESPN and we are starting to understand why. Sage Steele allegedly was excluded from an ESPN special on race by fellow Black colleagues Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves because Sage was not “authentic” enough. By “authentic”, they believe she is not “Black enough”.

In order: Sage Steele, Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves

Apparently, ESPN held a race symposium on June 24th titled The Undefeated Presents Time for Change: We Won’t Be Defeated. If you never heard of it that is ok, neither did we. Sage explained the following to the Wall Street Journal.

“I found it sad for all of us that any human being should be allowed to define someone’s ‘Blackness.’ Growing up biracial in America with a Black father and a white mother, I have felt the inequities that many, if not all Black and biracial people have felt—being called a monkey, the ‘n’ word, having ape sounds made as I walked by—words and actions that all of us know sting forever. Most importantly, trying to define who is and isn’t Black enough goes against everything we are fighting for in this country, and only creates more of a divide.”

Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves denied they blackballed Sage from attending, rather a timing issue prevented Sage from being invited. If that is true, there are one of two conclusions we can accept.

  1. ESPN rushed the race summit and excluded one of their most tenured Black broadcasters due to timing
  2. Sage was intentionally excluded from the event

The entire public disconnect is unfortunate. Do better MSESPN!

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