
Seattle City Hall segregates diversity training

Racism Score: 3.9

Training sessions regarding race relations and racial bias have increased exponentially this year based on inference alone. Given the current climate, conducting these types of sessions can help or hurt the progress needed to help with racial tensions.

Seattle initiated one key method to hurt the progress. KOMO News reported that the brain trust at the Seattle Office of Civil Rights who manages Seattle City Hall’s training sessions segregated the training.

We will repeat…segregated the training. In the email invite to the sessions, the office requested employees who identify as white to join the training so said white people can education themselves on how to be an ally and accomplice for racial justice. On the surface, no harm no foul. However, segregating a seminar is the epitome of a racist action, unintentional or not.

People of all races should attend together so there is an open discussion to help with understanding one another. Again, we can appreciate the idea and the admirable gesture but segregating is poor judgment.

Chris Rufo made a public records request and because of his efforts we were able to see some of the content in the training, here are a few of the slides:

In our opinion, this hurts the objective of racial unity.

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