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Self-hating white man believes white people should give up dog ownership because it’s racist

Racism Score: 0.0

Lassie, Beethoven, Toto, Marley, Buddy, Snoopy, and Clifford. Depending on your age bracket, you have probably heard of some, if not all of those dogs.

Movies and TV shows about dogs are wonderful! Except the sad ones, at least…all dogs go to heaven. We digress.

Dogs are considered man’s best friend. They are excellent companions and the cutest things when they are puppies.

We humans learn so much from dogs from their personality, behavior, resiliency, and their unconditional love and loyalty. What is not to love?!

You guest it, it can be racist!

Well, white people owning dogs is racist according to a white author at the United Wildlife Union website.

After you read a few of experts of the article, we are confident some of you will agree this garbage masterfully creates division.

What a clown.

Anecdotes like these are primary reasons people get racist fatigue.

Leave it to a self-hating-I-hate-my-own-race white person to bring attention to something this stupid.

We interviewed over twenty people of color and NOT ONE believes white people owning dogs was racist and it has never crossed their mind.

The author indicates he has been attacked by alt-right trolls. What a fool, he is being attacked by extraordinarily diverse dog lovers who will not tolerate his race-baiting rubbish.

For the record, we are not alt-right trolls, we are dog lovers, we rate racism, we hate nonsense, and we loathe the article. Our simple conclusion, white people owning dogs is NOT racist.

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