
Taylor Selfridge past tweets resurface

Racism Score: 4.0

Taylor Selfridge was fired from MTV’s Teen Mom due to her racist ranting from when she was young. We still do not understand why people have not learned to go back and delete their old tweets. We also do not agree with condemning people for tweets from their adolescence. There are consequences for our actions and accountability has no limits, especially when advertisers are involved.

Selfridge’s comments were wrong, no matter how comedic she believed they were. By Selfridge’s own admission, she did not think the comments were negative at the time. Goodness, look at some of these:

Did the public-school system fail her that bad fer her to not understand those are negative tweets?! More than likely the addiction to social media and the need to be feed the social media beast. The addiction is fed at any cost, even if it means tweeting clearly bigoted and racist comments for some.

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