
Terry Crews “stepped in it” per Don Lemon

Racism Score: 0.5

Disclaimer – We stand with Gabrielle Union. This article is strictly regarding Terry Crew’s opinion’s on Black Lives Matter only.

Terry Crew’s learned unless you agree with all things BLM, in the words of Joe Biden…you ain’t Black. For reasons only Crews can understand, he was inspired to provide his unprovoked strategy on the movement. Oh wait, it is his right to do so like everyone does on Twitter. The strategy Crews drew up was to ensure Black Lives Matter does not turn into Black Lives Better.

Not that providing one’s strategy is inappropriate, rather if it does not align with the mass’s, the backlash is popcorn worthy. The unfortunate part about Twitter is that a user only has so many characters to explain their position. The chance of misinterpretation or for words to be taken out of context is high.

The other unfavorable aspect of Twitter are the cancel culture soldiers standing guard. Especially Black Twitter. Crew’s was coonified crucified by Black Twitter for explaining that as a society we need to work together with all races.

Crews outlined that all white people are not bad, and all Black people are not good. Firm with his position, Crews expressed he will die on this hill. Having the courage of one’s conviction is an admirable trait. Crews’ conviction is also the antithesis of BLM’s idealistic goals.

Crews doubled down on his position while meeting with Don Lemon. As the visitor, Crews was bound by the home team rules which constructed of Lemon talking over Crews and lecturing Crews. Crews attempted to shed light on the totality of BLM’s goals which include dismantling the nuclear family structure, implementing Marxist beliefs, and a plethora of other ideological beliefs that expand beyond police brutality. Don arrogantly expressed to Crews that violence in inner cities is not the movement and if Crews wants to start his own movement that addresses violence, he should do that instead.

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