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Tobacco brown is a color that triggers people with nothing better to do

Racism Score: 0.0

Consider this a courtesy warning about using the color tobacco brown. Also, we decided we are going to belabor the absurdity of this racial grievance, you have been warned.

A shopper hunting for racism succeeded by finding an item they determined to be racist. The item, a bra. The issue, the color. The color…tobacco. As in tobacco brown. The offender, Marks & Spencer (M&S).

The Mirror reported that the customer, Kusi Kimani stated she was shocked to see a description (tobacco) that holds such a negative connotation rooted in racism in her opinion.

You know what we were shocked to see? This complaint.

Kusi shared the following with The Mirror:

“Tobacco is referred to in society as bad, unhealthy, and highly likely to kill — ‘smoking kills’,” and seeing “tobacco” as the description would make young women feel bad about themselves and “more alienated. This is an example of how bias is ingrained into society and only helps fuel racism, be it overt or covert, however in this instance this is a form of covert racism.”

You know what else the description is…a color. Nothing more, nothing less.  

You may be thinking – wtf?! If that is your feeling, we share your sentiment. If you are feeling triggered…we suggest you seek therapy. Back to the story.

Kimani went on to explain the lighter bra colors were described with dessert flavors like “fudge” and cinnamon.”

Something Kusi should be proud of is she offered a suggestion because who likes someone who complains without a solution?

She suggested other dessert names such as cocoa, chocolate or caramel. Yummy.

M&S of course cowherd and issued the standard “we support diversity and inclusion, and have donated…” blah blah blah apology. They also changed the color of the bra to “deep auburn.”

Such a pathetic move by M&S.

Kudos to Kusi for staying strong while being overcome with grief and trauma over the color tobacco. We are also willing to bet 99.99% of Black people do not equate the color tobacco brown to racism.

There is even a Black social artist who goes by the name tobacco brown.

Here is how Merriam Webster presently describes tobacco brown.

The hex color code for tobacco brown is #72573f.

Conclusion – This is an instance of making something out of nothing under the guise of “social justice.” This is a perfect example why the term “social justice warrior (SJW)” is so prevalent. This is a reason some people believe SJW’s are just attention seekers.

This is worse than the individual who complained about Hobby Lobby selling cotton stalks. Look on the bright side, it is not as bad as calling a it “n***er brown.”

Look at these other perfectly fine examples of descriptions using the color brown.

**Belabor Alert**

Belaboring finished.

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