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When Are False Accusations Of Racism Defamation?

Lipsky Lowe LLP

When Are False Accusations of Racism Defamation?

The ongoing protests against racism across the nation in the wake of George Floyd’s death have also sparked concerns about false accusations of racism, and whether such accusations are considered defamation. If your professional reputation has been harmed by false accusations, it takes a skilled employment lawyer to protect you from defamation.

What Is Defamation?

Defamation occurs when an individual’s character or reputation is harmed as a result of a false statement of fact that is made public. Generally, there are two forms of defamation: slander, which is spoken, and libel, which is written. Defamation in the workplace may arise when a current or former employee’s character, reputation, or career is harmed by a co-worker’s false accusation. 

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