
White woman pretends to be Black

Racism Score: 5.0

In the words of DJ Khaled…another one.

Another white woman has confessed to pretending to be Black. Some of you may recall former Spokane, WA NAACP president, Rachel Dolezal. Meet Jessica Krug, she is Rachel Dolezal 2.0.

The difference between Dolezal and Krug is that Krug voluntarily admitted to pretending to be Black for professional advancement and personal gain.

Dolezal was forced to admit she was fronting as a Black woman because her own parents dimed her out…but she identifies as Black, so there is that.

Jessica Krug was a history professor at George Washington University (GWU) and has paraded around as a Black woman for decades. Krug outed herself in a Medium article about her “toxic soil of lies.”

Through Krug’s own admission, she is a white Jewish woman who grew up in suburban Kansas City. Over the years, Krug explained she has claimed North African Blackness, Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness, and US rooted Blackness.

Taking away opportunities from other Black people by pretending to be Black is perverse. Some might say that is crazy. At best, if you reach, it is counterproductive. Krug does acknowledge her mental health demons and severe trauma from her early childhood and teen years. However, that is not an excuse. Her actions were deliberate and calculated.

We will leave you with the following. She was audaciously deceptive, a culture leech, and a coward…her own words.

Check out what this gentlemen had to say about his Tinder experience with Krug.

Lord have mercy.

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