
Will the real racist presidential candidate please stand up!

Disclaimer – This is not an endorsement of either candidate. Do your own research. If you think one candidate’s policies are better for you and your family, great. If you believe the other candidate’s policies are better for you and your family, great. Do not let the media dictate the best decision for you and your family.

Every single day since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, Trump has been called a racist. From when he was then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now, President Trump. Back to presidential candidate, Trump. He has been called a racist.

Sometimes valid, sometimes not. Labeling Trump as a racist ALL THE TIME is too easy, and it is overly simplistic. Constantly calling Trump a racist is as easy as calling Joe Biden a racist because of Biden’s past racist comments. Yet, Joe Biden seems to get a golden pass ALL THE TIME. Seriously, people seem to have amnesia when it comes to Biden’s racist comments.

“But Trump said, ‘stand by’…!” Yes, he did. Trump’s inability during the debate to simply condemn white supremacy for the umpteenth time is inexcusable. Before some of you get upset, please be honest with yourself, or head over to YouTube where you can watch Trump condemn white supremacy on multiple occasions.

Closing shop on the racist argument because of Trump’s inability to articulate a coherent, responsible answer through his egotistical ranting and interruptions during the debate does not prove,Trump is a racist…or does it?

If one is going to confirm Trump is a racist, do we look at the entire body of work? Or do we selectively pick and choose comments? If we selectively choose, do we do the same thing to Biden?

As a society we seem only to be focused on COVID (real virus), and apparently averse to focusing on specific policies, broad healthcare, and taxes. To that end, we have decided to have an Instagram head-to-head 12-round matchup of “racist” comments by each candidate!

At the end of 12 rounds we will share our scores and the candidate with the least amount of points wins. May the best candidate “win”…or lose depending on how you look at it.

Follow us on Instagram for each round!

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Follow us on Instagram for rounds 4 through 12!

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