
World of Beer inadvertently promotes KKK themed beer

Racism Score: 3.0

Can you imagine patronizing an establishment and the next beer that is placed in front of you is donned in Ku Klux Klan garb? That is exactly what happened to a Black patron at World of Beer in West Hartford, CT. The appearance of the beer should startle any patron, however, serving this beer to a Black person is astonishing.

The waiter promoted the beer then served the beer not recognizing the extreme racist connotations. There was no malice in the waiter’s heart as it has been described an honest lack in judgment.

Being ignorant to the Klan design of the beer does not make the waiter a racist. Definite ignorance in this instance by the waiter, yet not a racist. World of Beer had the following to say.

“We have pulled this beer from further sale. Please accept our apologies for the lapse in judgment in serving. While we can’t speak for the intent of the brewer, the visual representation does not have a place at our establishment. We appreciate you bringing it to our attention and welcome the opportunity for discussion.”

UK-based Buxton Brewery and Sweden’s Omnipollo

Racism Score: 5.0

The perpetrators of this disturbing creation are brewers based overseas. UK-based Buston Brewery and Sweden’s Omnipollo collaborated on Yellow Belly beer to bring awareness to racial injustice. Seriously, they designed this beer to bring attention to racial injustice.

They put their minds together and thought the best way to denounce organizations such as the KKK…was to design a beer just like the KKK. You can’t make this stuff up.

You can read more about here.

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